Do you buy newspapers? In your opinion, does the printed press have a future?

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I believe there will, however all media has to straighten up their act. They all gave up the practice of employing investigative reporters to give an unbiased report on a subject (too expensive). It’s a lot cheaper to hire a journalism student to just write a storey and for those who own the paper, you can slant it to your way of thinking. People, I believe, are on to this and getting tired of it. Even if you agree with a certain slant, it gets obvious we’re being spoon fed the news. A certain portion of the population now just gets the stories online that they’re interested in and don’t want to hear about the problems in the world. This could end up biting us all in the butt. Too many people are smart enough and will come to their senses. I hope! Gotta have hope
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