What type of books do you like most? Why?

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For books, it is important to understand the genre and I read a lot of different genres. So I wouldn't confine myself and mix things up. Also, as I believe in always staying relevant, my books wouldn't include old classics as they are already proven to be great. So expect books from today's day and age with a few exceptions. And I wouldn't number them, as all books have added some value to my life. One of my all-time favorite is a very unassuming book called “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. In fact, I read this long long ago but certain principles from that book still serve as guiding beacons in my life, especially when I am aging :) Read that book, it is just 2–3 hours of reading and then 20 hours of reflection kind of a book. This is not your run of the mill, self help crap. This book actually makes you not only think, but reflect (yes they are two different things).
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